Tarot Spreads

Self-Care for Month Ahead

Self-Care For the Month Ahead Spread Card 1. What self-care practices can I prioritize this month? Examine what the figures in the card are doing. Are the active? resting? engaging with others? Does the card encourage you to get out of an uncomfortable position or feeling?⁠⁠Card 2. How can I integrate these practices daily? Find a way to bring micro-moments into your day. Can you do it actively or passively? Can you write about it? It may even be as simple as leaving the 1st card out where you can see it each morning as a reminder to yourself.⁠

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Spring Awakening Spread

I love thinking about spring spreads in the sense of tending to the garden of your life. Getting pretty dirty and muddy to start the season, clearing out what settled over the winter. Then watering, tending to and maintaining through the season to get rewarded in the coming months. 1. What aspect of your life is ready for a fresh start?2. What needs to be nurtured to get there?3. What can the best outcomes be if you continue to tend to and nurture this potential?

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Spring Cleaning Spread

A spread for beckoning your present self and beginning a fresh start. Have you been feeling compelled to freshen up and clear out lately? When I think of Spring Cleaning I picture opening up all the windows, dusting cobwebs from the ceiling corners, spritzing all the bed sheets with lavender linen spray,  the whole nine yards of bringing freshness into every aspect of the house. ⁠⁠This spread does that for your entire being.⁠  1. Physical clutter to tackle first Start with what’s in front of you. Your external space is a reflection of wht’s inside. What’s sitting in plain sight...

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April Showers Spread

A simple but impactful spread for the Month of April. A time full of sunny showers, shedding of layers, and visible transitions. ⁠ Card 1: What to water so it can flourish. What spaces of your life will you pour into this month? This is the area to focus your attention, give extra time to. Maybe it's practicing a new skill, finally getting a project finished, or beginning something that's been waiting to get started.⁠Card 2: What emotional wounds need to heal in this time. What is this card telling you about your concerns, troubles, fears or frusterations? They may...

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